Mahnoor malik designs

Designs that actually Work.

Do you prefer impactful and intentional designs that stand up to your aesthetics and are fully functional too? Do you want to show up for your community and convey your message just as you hear it in your mind — as well as a stable income? Yes? Then I assume we’re gonna get along very well!

Brains Behind The Brand;

Mahnoor malik.

Assalamoalikum (HEY!) CREATIVES! I’m Mahnoor – bare- footed, crochet enthusiast, Minimalist, plant mom, cat disturber, forever design obsessed.

I love designing, be it websites, indoor spaces, crochet, dresses (my own) and paintings. Drinks and spills tea a lot, wink wink. Don’t get me wrong, my designs are minimal and calm, I’m quite the opposite. 

I’m the kind of person who wants a minimal and clean space so that i can be a maniac, you see the balance here? I’m sure you do.

Where the magic happens

your website becomes my buddy for the time being, it comes along with me to the coffee shop, we run errands together. from desk to couch, from couch to bed. listening to lectures in the background or watching a crime documentary on netflix, we stay knitted together. And all this makes me put my heart and soul into the website, which I do. 

My Supporters

my NIECES! how they scold me to show up, to build an audience. See, we all know what to do  but sometimes we need to hear it from someone else.  it works especially when they’re younger than you!

My Disrupters

Veedou, the CEO of disruptions, who makes sure I get up from my desk once or twice an hour.  understands the importance of movement. but why do you have to sit on my laptop? 

Behold, My Stuff

The Laptop

This isn’t just a Laptop, It’s a  core team member. This is my everything, (related to business, i do have a life.) all the designing and development gets done here. All the writing gets done here. Investing in this infinix Laptop was a great decision.

The Ipad

My ipad is like yet another team member, I design mainly on my laptop but those last minute designs or when I’m lazy to get on figma, My ipad encourages me to design on canva. 

All the learning gets done here and most of my communication as well. 

The Phone

My phone is my eyes, all the pictures and videos get recorded on my Iphone 7 plus. And I’m super happy with how it all turns out.

The Essentials

I can’t end the page without mentioning how Important role my chai plays in making your website, it keeps me alive. And these cute stationary, that’s what motivates me. Even though sometimes I don’t wanna write in my pretty books. But then I close my eyes and make a heart.

extra support from a community of Skillful women.

An authentic website is my promise to you. But there are other aspects to elevating your business online and I’m all about keeping things minimal and calm. In any service you choose, you’ll be working with Mahnoor directly, additionally I have built a community of genuine skillful women who can assist you with branding, marketing, socials, copywriting, photography and graphics. 

 It’s already hard enough to run your business and finding trustworthy people can be a hassle. If you need, we can connect you with these specialists – saving you the hassle and worry of finding reliable and aligned people yourself.